About Us



Bankitwangi is the Premium tea Brand originated from Indonesia, All of our Organic teas is locally grown from Organic Certiffied Tea Plantation. The principle of Healthy tea is tea that is made without any outside chemicals, naturally grown in kept clean location, harvested and produced locally . The tea product ranges from Single Origin Teas to Classic Heritage Blend dan Tisane series with a wide range rich flavour healthy organic tea.

Fist launch in 2015, bankitwangi became a pioneer of Indonesian organic tea. Until now Bankitwangi has had two series of organic teas, namely :

Single Origin

Where Single Origin is a type of shoot tea originating from one geographical area of access the plantation. Bankitwangi Single Origin Tea line comes from the Bukit Sari Organic Plantation which has a unique taste, sweet taste, soft, strong full body. This tea is a type of single tea without a mixture of other ingredients. Bankitwangi single Origin tea variants are: Green Tea, White Tea, Black Tea

Tisane Tea

Tisane Tea / Blend Tea is a mixture of Single Origin tea with spice ingredients, such as ginger, lemongrass, jasmine and others. BANKITWANGI TISANE Blends uses Tea as the basis for its mixing. Tisane Tea can be served Hot or Cold, Origins of Origin Herbal Tea can be found in Ancient China and Egypt, at where Tisanes are taken for enjoyment and as a treatment destination.